Feb 22Liked by Quinn Everts

Common Boss Baby W

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Iā€™m the boss baby šŸ˜

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Feb 20Liked by Quinn Everts

The Jazz rebuild is probably my favorite one to watch. They're avoiding trading away every single player they have of consequence, they embrace the idea that winning thirty games actually helps development more than winning fifteen, but they also seem to understand that they're not actually close to being a genuinely good team.

They've hit on a lot of players that other teams had largely given up on, grown draft capital without doing it at the expense of being competent, and employ (in my opinion) one of the best three or four coaches in the NBA.

I'd be willing to give them an A+ over teams like the Spurs because it seems like their rebuild going well is based on skill and intentionality and not just "hardy har, lets get another superstar"

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Wonderfully said. I was hoping they'd do absolutely nothing at the deadline, but understood the moves they did make.

So many teams think it's viable to lose over and over and over and then one day just *become good* when in reality, that never really works. I just hope they stay patient the next few years even if they don't make an OKC-like leap.

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Well, this weekend was not only All-Star weekend, but also the Great Backyard Bird Count (https://www.birdcount.org). It's fun for families and birders and helpful for tracking migratory bird populations! So that's cool.

And thanks for the inclusion of my Poetry article!

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I had not heard of this, but I love it already! It's absolutely on my calendar for next year. Seems like such a great way to introduce folks to birding / caring about processes like migration patterns.

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Feb 20Liked by Quinn Everts

I know a business owner who just bought 1213 (oddly specific) acres of land towards the border of Florida and Alabama. Heā€™s going to clear 20 acres of it for cabins (non commercial), bees (saving the bees!), and just entertainment areas. The rest are conserved. Itā€™s nice to see a business owner buy land and NOT choose to mow down the whole place lol

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That's progress for sure!

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